Statutes 2024


Basic information

  • TS Žilina is a new testing station built in a beautiful calm environment of the Žilina Basin and the Lesser Fatra with a view of the town Žilina and the mountains surrounding it.
  • The function of the Testing station is to compare the quality of the pigeons selected amongst the participants of a listed race; the best participants will win a financial prize according to the propositions.
  • The basic entry fee for 1 pigeon is 55,-
  • The capacity of the TS is 1100 pigeons.
  • TS guarantees the prizes if there are more than 1000 pigeons. If there is a smaller number of , the prizes will be smaller percentage wise; if there will be more activations, the prizes will increase percentage wise.
  • The entry registration for young pigeons to our testing station is possible to be filled in directly on our web page APPLICATION FORM or available to be DOWNLOADED, filled in and sent via email to
  • The completed application form has to be handed in by the owner when taking in the pigeons to the testing station.
  • The taking in of the pigeons in TS is possible every day from 14:00 to 20:00.
  • The age of the squabs has to be in the range of 35-40 days.
  • When handing in young pigeons, it is OBLIGATORY to show a veterinary certificate, stating they have been immunized against paramyxo, with the name of the vaccine and the number of the batch.
  • An owner can hand over an unlimited number of pigeons.
  • The starting fee can be paid directly when handing over the pigeon to our TS or after agreement with the organizer.
  • By handing the pigeons in and paying the starting fee, the owner agrees with the propositions in full measure.
  • In case of the death of the pigeon, the owner has a right to hand in a supplementary pigeon to the TS till the 01-06-2020 for free.
  • According to the number of enrolled pigeons, the departure places will be announced in 2 dates.
  • The pigeons have to have a 2020 birth ring.
  • When handing the pigeon in, the owner has to show the list and certificate of ownership. Every pigeon for which the basic fee has been paid will be accepted.
  • The genealogy will be necessary after finishing the final race for the pigeons that have finished and will be offered in an internet auction. The genealogy can be sent by e-mail.


Final decree

  • By placing the pigeons in TS, the organiser will automatically become the owner of the pigeons.
  • The organiser reserves the right to change or cancel the race due to weather conditions, health conditions or technical difficulties.
  • Every pigeon that will have completed their flights will be put on auction. They will be offered in an internet auction.
  • The owners of the auctioned pigeons will get 50% of the auctioned price.
  • By not providing the genealogy, the owner looses the right to gain their share of the auctioned price.


Trail program- Flights from all directionsThe subject of this program is a comparison of the quality of pigeons. We will check the orientationof the pigeons from all 4 directions of the world – see the program of the flights (flight from alldirections)The start fee for a pigeons is Euro 55.00A TS guarantee wins if 350 pigeons would start this program. Should start in this program more than350 pigeons, we will percentage increase the wins.Pigeon can be registered by filling out the application (see flights from all direction)The best breeders will be awarded like – written prices in flights from all direction.Should be for this program registered less than 350 pigeons, this program will be canceled.The owners can move the logged in pigeons in the basic program of TS.

Owners of ITS

Juraj LAŠ
+421 903 800 842


Jaroslav ONDRO
+421 948 410 052


Training and races

  • The pigeons will undergo a total of 7 training sessions in the range of 15-100km.
  • The race plan for 2020 consists of 4 races in the range of 120-350km.
  • The final race from the area of Ašu- 480 km- is planned on the first half of September- it won’t be shortened, but the organiser has a right to change the date due to weather conditions
  • The results of the races will be published on the web pages
  • The deployment and flight range will be public, the option to act as a guide will be also available.



Other additional measures

  • In case of exceptional veterinary measures, the organiser has the right to resign from the competition rules, if state bodies will issue contamination measures (i.e. bird flu, etc.) If such a situation occurs, the pigeons will be given back to their owners or after agreement, there will be a large auction where the owner will gain 50% of the auctioned pric